
"Forane" redirects here. For the veterinary anesthetic, see isoflurane.

An archpriest is a priest with supervisory duties over a number of parishes. The term is most often used in Eastern Orthodoxy and Eastern Catholic Churches, although it may be used in the Latin rite of the Roman Catholic Church instead of dean or vicar forane.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, during the persecution of Roman Catholics in England, an archpriest appointed from Rome had authority over all of the church's secular clergy in the country. In the present-day Church of England, an archpriest closely resembles a Rural or Area Dean.



In ancient times, the archdeacon was the head of the diaconate of a diocese, as is still the case in the Eastern Orthodox Church, while the archpriest was first the chief of the presbyterium of the diocese. His duties included deputising for the Bishop in spiritual matters when necessary.

In the western church, by the Middle Ages, the title had evolved and was that of the priest of the principal parish among several local parishes. This priest had general charge of worship in this archpresbyteriate, and the parishioners of the smaller parishes had to attend Sunday Mass and hold baptisms at the principal parish while the subordinate parishes instead held daily mass and homilies.

By the time of the Council of Trent the office of archpriest was replaced by the office of vicar forane, also known in English as "dean". The first recorded use of this meaning of the title comes from St Charles Borromeo's reforms in his own diocese. Unlike vicars general and vicars episcopal, vicars forane are not prelates, which means they do not possess ordinary power. Their role is entirely supervisory, and they perform visitations for the bishop and report to the bishop or vicar general any problems in their vicariate.

In late Elizabethan England, an Archpriest was appointed from Rome to oversee the Roman Catholic Church's mission in England, with authority over all secular clergy in the country.

The title of archpriest has survived in Rome, in Malta and elsewhere, where it is now held by the rectors of the major basilicas. However, the title is entirely honorary, reflecting the fact that these churches held archpriestly status in the past.

Roman Catholicism

There are four Archpriests of the major basilicas in Rome, all of whom are bishops:

Many churches (thousands) in the world, other than basilicas, have the right to be governed by an archpriest, according to the specific historical tradition. Hence, the title is mostly honorary. Today, the archpriest has no control over the subordinate clergy. The use of "archpriest" in Roman Catholicism should not be confused with "protopriest", the senior Cardinal-Priest in the College of Cardinals.

Byzantine Christianity

Archpriest (or Protopope or Protopresbyter) is a clerical rank, a title of honor given to non-monastic priests[1][note 1] and is conferred by a bishop with the cheirothesia (imposition of hands) and prayer.[2] Archpriests typically wear an epigonation, a vestment originally worn only by bishops; however, details vary locally, and in some places being given the epigonation is an honor that typically precedes being made an Archpriest and in other places, it is an honor that is given to only some Archpriests.[note 2] and also wears a pectoral cross both as part of his street clothes and when vested.[note 3]

The ceremony for making an Archpriest is analogous to other clerical promotions bestowed with cheirothesia: at the little entrance of the Divine Liturgy, the candidate is conducted to the ambo in the middle of the church where the Bishop is at the time, and the Bishop blesses him and says a prayer[2] addressed to Christ asking to "... endue our brother (name) with Thy Grace, and adorn him with virtue to stand at the head of the Presbyters of Thy people, and make him to be a good example to them that are with him ..."[3]

Note that in the Russian tradition, Protopresbyter is a higher rank than Archpriest, as explained in a translation by the Orthodox Church in America,

Although entitled "for the making of a Protopresbyter" it is clear that what is now known as an "Archpriest" is what is usually meant. The rank of "Protopresbyter" as a distinction higher than "Archpriest" is a later addition. The same Order, naturally, is used for what is now called "Protopresbyter".[3]


In the Church of England there is at least one Archpriest, the Archpriest of Haccombe. This is a hamlet in Devon, near Newton Abbot where the parish is combined with that of Stoke-in-Teignhead with Combe-in-Teignhead. The modern office most closely resembling that of archpriest is the role of Rural Dean (rural dioceses) or Area Dean (urban dioceses). Like the archpriest of old, these officers have supervisory duties, but not ordinary jurisdiction, and are entitled to carry out visitations of subordinate parishes when so commissioned. With this in mind, although the Archpriest of Haccombe holds a unique role in the Church of England, it must be considered analogous with certain Incumbencies which bear the title "Dean" regardless of whether or not their Incumbent is the actual Rural or Area Dean. One example of this historical oddity is the office of Dean of Bocking in East Anglia.

See also


  1. ^ Among monastic clergy in many places, the equivalent of being made an Archpriest is to be given the rank of Archimandrite as an honorary title (by original definition, an Archimandrite is the abbot of a large monastery).
  2. ^ And, in the Russian Church, the last situation is always true with the added complexity of, as a step before being made an Archpriest, being awarded another vestment peculiar to the Russian tradition, the nabedrennik; numerous other local customs exist.
  3. ^ In the Russian tradition, every priest wears a pectoral cross and being given a gold pectoral cross and then a jeweled one typically precede being made an Archpriest and Protopresbyter, respectively.



Further reading

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